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Monday, October 31, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-३१-१०-२०११
: आज का विचार -31/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
If you want to achieve great heights, use your thoughts to imagine it to be so.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
It should be kept in mind that whatever is being...
Your wealth should be useful to you. It should b...
You go on reciting the name of the Lord, you go...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-३०-१०-२०११
: आज का विचार - 30/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
It is a certainty that if you do good today, that good will return tomorrow.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Saturday, October 29, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-२९-१०-२०११
: आज का विचार -29/10/11
Be satisfied what you have today but still be hopeful for future advancement.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Friday, October 28, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-२८-१०-२०११
आज का विचार - 27/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Consider every moment of life precious and make good use of your time.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
आज का विचार -26/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Silence is a temple of our pure and wholesome thoughts. Pure and wholesome thoughts are created in silence.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fwd: Dewali Greetings
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:26 PM
Subject: Dewali Greetings
25th, Oct. 2011
General Secretary
Fwd: शुभ दीपावली 2011
आप और आपके सभी प्रियजनों को दीपावली के शुभ पर्व पर हम सब की सप्रेम शुभकामनाये कि सभी का जीवन सुखमय, मिठासपूर्ण और हर्ष की जगमगाहट तथा उमंगो की गड़गड़ाहट से परिपूर्ण हो।
His Holiness recommends that everyone should do Laxmi, Ganesh and Saraswati puja on the auspicious occassion of Diwali. Laxmi Devi for wealth, Saraswati Devi for knowledge and Ganesh ji for good intellect. Devi Ma's Grace is boundless. Her knowledge infinite; Her power immeasurable; Her glory ineffable; and Her splendour indescribable. She gives you material prosperity as well as spiritual freedom. May Lord Ganesh, Mother Laxmi and Mother Saraswati bestow their uninterrupted grace on everyone !
Shubh Aashish from our Sadguruji !
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Chicago, IL
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-२५-१०-२०११
आज का विचार -25/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
It takes courage to remain forgiving and loving.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Monday, October 24, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-२४-१०-२०११
आज का विचार - 24/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Ignorance is the cause of injustice, deficit and idleness.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Fwd: आज का जीवन सूत्र-२३-१०-२०११
: आज का विचार - 23/10/11
खुद हँसना औरों को हँसाना, इससे बड़ा कोई उपकार नहीं है।
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
It is great to laugh and to make others laugh.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Saturday, October 22, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-२२-१०-२०११
: आज का विचार - 22/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Do your work before it reaches the state of ungency.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Friday, October 21, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-२१-१०-२०११
आज का विचार21/10/11
निरन्तर का अभ्यास जारी रहना चाहिए। चाहे थोड़ा ही अभ्यास करें लेकिन नित्य प्रति करें। लगातार का अभ्यास ही आपको भगवान से जोड़ेगा।
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Practice should be continuous. It should be done daily even if for just a little bit. Only constant practice will unify you with God.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Thursday, October 20, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-२०-१०-२०११
आज का विचार 20/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
It is never too late for a good start, it can be done anytime.
Translated byHumble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-१९-१०-२०११
: आज का विचार - 19/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
It is always best to practice good behavior rather than just preach it.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-१८-१०-२०११
आज का विचार - 15/10/11
जीवन को तरह-तरह के सुन्दर विचारों से सजाएं ।
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Beautify your life with thoughts of high quality.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
आज का विचार 17/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Make yourself strong and powerful in every way.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
: आज का विचार - 18/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Everyone smiles among comfort. It would also be great if we could smile during discomfort.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Saturday, October 15, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-१४-१०-२०११
आज का विचार - 15/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
As long as we keep on doing action, our journey of life will run smooth.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Friday, October 14, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-१४-१०-२०११
Fwd: आज का विचार - 10/13/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Prayer has an amazing power to purify the thoughts.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Thursday, October 13, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-१३-१०-२०११
आज का विचार -13/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Happiness should not be dependent on any person or anything.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-१२-१०-२०११
आज का विचार 12/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
The tomorrow you wait for, will never come
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-११-१०-२०११
आज का विचार - 11/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Self examination should be done before insulting or criticizing others.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Monday, October 10, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-१०-१०-२०११
: आज का विचार - 10/10/11
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
A person's best friends are his ten fingers.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Sunday, October 9, 2011
आज का जीवन सूत्र-९-१०-२०११
आज का विचार 09/10/11
प्रेम सबसे करो, विश्वास कुछ पर करो, बुरा किसी का मत करो।
Love everyone, trust few and do not do anything bad to anyone.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Chicago, IL